Ramesh Dhungana

Graduate Research Assistant at ODU | rdramesh2009@gmail.com


Growing up amidst the dreams that dance like sunbeams in Nepal, I quickly learned that there's more to life than acing exams. In this land where everyone dreams of exploring the world's wonders, my journey reflects the simple yet powerful spirit of chasing dreams.

Hey there, I'm Ramesh Dhungana, a Software Engineer with over 6 years of experience. My story is about more than just studies and coding; it's a blend of heart, resilience, and a commitment to making dreams real.
At Old Dominion University, I was a Graduate Research Assistant and Lab Lead at Old Dominion University. My days involve diving into exciting research, implementing it into an application, and inspiring my fellow peers.

In terms of technical skills, I command programming languages like Python, JavaScript, Typescript, C#, and Java. My expertise extends to web technologies such as React.js, Angular.js, Node.js, jQuery, Google Maps API, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and Material UI. When it comes to the database, I am capable to handle MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase Firestore, and PostgreSQL. Versioning tools like Git and SDLC methodologies like Agile, Kanban, Scrum, and Waterfall are part of my toolkit. JIRA is my preferred Agile Project Management tool, and for database management, I navigate MySQL WorkBench, MongoDB Compass, and Cloud Firestore. Microsoft Visual Studio and PyCharm are my IDEs.
In the realm of Cloud and Distributive Computing, I navigate Amazon Web Services (EC2, RDS, Route53, Load balancer, Security Groups) and Google Cloud (Cloud Functions, Cloud Schedulers, Cloud Logs, App Engine, Firebase) with ease.

Beyond the technical domain, I seamlessly transition into roles of mentorship, team leadership, and collaborative team membership, showcasing a management skill set that complements my technical prowess. My journey encapsulates humility, intelligence, hard work, dedication, and a palette of skills that paint the portrait of a multifaceted individual always looking for growth.

Professional Goals

Embarking on my professional journey, I resonate deeply with Zig Ziglar's wisdom: "What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." In the pursuit of my immediate and long-term aspirations, I aim not only for tangible achievements but also for the profound transformations that come with reaching these milestones.

Near-term Goals:

  • Backend Mastery: Dive deep into backend development, specializing in Python and Java.
  • DevOps Proficiency: Become a proficient DevOps engineer, focusing on Docker Containers, Kubernetes, Kafka, and pipeline automations.
  • AWS Expertise: Excel in AWS cloud, securing certifications in Cloud Solutions and Solution Architecture.
  • Investing Insights: Continuously learn about investing platforms, exploring the realms of stocks and real estate.
  • Travel Objectives: Explore at least four states in the United States annually, embracing diverse cultures and landscapes.
  • Reading Commitment: Devote time to personal growth through reading, aiming for at least 2 non-fiction books per month.

Long-term Goals:

  • Leadership Aspirations: Aspire to climb the professional ladder, reaching the Tech Lead position and ultimately preparing for the role of Chief Technology Officer (CTO).
  • Balanced Lifestyle: Prioritize a healthy and balanced life by focusing on proper nutrition, quality sleep, and maintaining a conducive work environment.
  • Extensive Travel: Embark on a journey to explore all the states in the United States, embracing the richness of each region.
  • Financial Milestone: Work towards financial success, aiming to become a millionaire and investing in real estate, acquiring a new property at least once every 5 years.

Success in professional life is attainable when we prioritize and value our overall well-being. This involves recognizing the importance of maintaining a balance across our physical health, emotional well-being, and mental aspects. And most importantly, I would not limit goals to be just about personal success; rather commit to a principle — that "sharing even a little of your resources can be a beacon of hope for someone else in need."

Internship Learning Objectives

The primary goal of my internship was to immerse myself in real-world applications. With 4 years of prior experience as a software engineer in Nepal, I set ambitious objectives centered around extensive learning. I aimed to leverage this internship as an opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills, with the ultimate goal of transitioning into a full-time job post-graduation.

Web Development Proficiency

  • Objective: Demonstrate proficiency as the primary developer for purechat.com.
  • Key Activities: Lead development efforts, address backlog issues, and manage beta and production deployment for purechat.com.
  • Expected Outcome: Showcase the ability to contribute significantly to the development and maintenance of a complex website.

API Integration and Automation Skills

  • Objective: Develop expertise in integrating third-party tools and automating processes.
  • Key Activities: Integrate HubSpot with the Purechat App, utilize AWS Lambda functions for account creation, implement password complexity features, and automate event triggers using RabbitMQ.
  • Expected Outcome: Acquire comprehensive skills in enhancing system functionalities through integration and automation.

Data Analysis and Visualization Proficiency

  • Objective: Gain proficiency in analyzing data and creating meaningful visualizations.
  • Key Activities: Investigate AWS Transcribe and Post Call Analytics, use AWS Call Analytics for categorizing and extracting call transcripts, implement FusionCharts for visual representation, and integrate Assembly AI for various analyses.
  • Expected Outcome: Develop a strong ability to interpret and present insights through data analysis and visualizations.

Internship Overview


MAP Communications,established in 1991, is a leading provider of professional live telephone answering services, offering support 24/7/365. Recognizing the unique needs of businesses, the company's remote virtual receptionists undergo rigorous training to handle diverse and complex scenarios. Specializing in various industries, including medical, legal, finance, education, and contractor services, MAP Communications aims to provide tailored solutions for its clients.

  • Website: https://www.mapcommunications.com/
  • Industry:: Telecommunications
  • Company Size: 501-1,000 employees
  • Headquarters: Chesapeake, Virginia
  • Founded: 1991
  • Specialties: Answering services and call center services


1. Purechat - purechat.com

PureChat is the preferred live chat solution for small to mid-sized teams. It is ideal for advanced sales and marketing teams who want to connect with their website visitors throughout the customer lifecycle by leveraging data and insights from chat conversations and user behaviors to provide a personalized experience at every touchpoint.

Worked With: Collaborated with the current primary developer, Mr. Daniel Lopez.

Expectations: Fully absorb the application knowledge from Daniel for a seamless transition into the primary developer role.

Tasks Completed
  • Resolved existing backlog issues on purechat.com.
  • Utilized AWS Lambda functions to create PCO accounts for Purechat accounts.
  • Integrated HubSpot with the Purechat App.
  • Implemented a password complexity feature for Purechat.
  • Automated event triggers and associated actions using RabbitMQ.
  • Managed Purechat application’s beta and production deployment

2. Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is a technique that analyzes the emotional tone in text. In call center communication companies, it is useful for quickly assessing customer feedback, monitoring service quality, resolving issues, and improving overall customer satisfaction.

Worked With: Teamed up with two of the company's leading database and backend engineers.

Expectations: Develop comprehensive graphical and visual representations of sentiment analysis leveraging Assembly AI and AWS Post Call Analytics Transcribe Service.

Tasks Completed
  • Investigated “AWS Transcribe” and “AWS Post Call Analytics” for call center audio-to-text transcription.
  • Utilized AWS Call Analytics JSON responses to categorize and extract call transcripts.
  • Implemented "FusionCharts" to visually represent call statistics, including customer and agent sentiment graphs, entire call transcripts, time-decibel graphs, and detected categories and issues.
  • Integrated the "Assembly AI" API for extracting Summarization, Sentiment Analysis, Content Safety, Topics Detected, Speaker Labels, PII Redaction, Entity Detection, and Important Phrases.
  • Developed graphical visualizations for content obtained from the Assembly AI API response.

Sentiment Analysis Visualizations

3. PCI Recording Pause/Resume Application

Sentiment analysis is a technique that analyzes the emotional tone in text. In call center communication companies, it is useful for quickly assessing customer feedback, monitoring service quality, resolving issues, and improving overall customer satisfaction.

Role: Full Stack Development

Worked: Independent

Expectations: Construct a React Js-based frontend application for the Awe Pauser Application.

Tasks Completed
  • Construct a React Js-based frontend application for the Awe Pauser Application.
  • Implement polling and web socket functionalities to retrieve API responses for monitoring phone extension device status.
  • Enhance the application to display real-time device status, enable pause/resume functionality, and showcase time intervals for each action.


In the reflective lens of our career, each challenge met is a stroke of resilience, every setback a palette for learning, and our growth, a masterpiece evolving with every step—our journey, a canvas of endless possibilities.

How did you meet your learning objectives?

I successfully met my learning objectives during the internship. Achieving the primary developer role for purechat.com allowed me to learn and apply my skills effectively. I implemented a sentiment analysis feature for the customer portal application. Additionally, I independently developed the Awe Pauser application, enabling Map Communications' agents to pause/resume PCI compliance calls. These accomplishments showcased my ability to contribute meaningfully to real-world projects and simatenously i was able to learn a lot.

What were some of your most powerful learning moments?

Several skills, such as Jenkins, RabbitMQ, and AWS Elastic Container Service, were entirely new to me. Moreover, I lacked experience in the DevOps cycle for a live production application serving thousands of users. The opportunity to learn and apply these skills, coupled with witnessing the strategic planning and execution by highly experienced professionals at the US corporate level, was both fascinating and powerful for my growth.

What were some of your most challenging moments?

One of my most challenging moments was taking on the primary developer role for purechat.com. Managing a live production application generating millions in annual revenue required precision and care. Despite the challenges, I successfully learned and applied new skills, including Jenkins, RabbitMQ, and AWS Elastic Container Service, Aws Lambda, .NET, Hubspot And GA4 integrations. It took about a month to fully grasp the application, but ultimately, I successfully assumed the role.

What are the most important skills you learned or practiced?

  • React.js for front-end development.
  • Spring Boot Java for back-end development.
  • OracleDB for effective database management.
  • AWS Lambda for serverless computing.
  • Integration of Assembly AI APIs for advanced functionalities
  • RabbitMQ for streamlined communication in distributed systems.
  • .NET for building web services.
  • Jenkins for automation in continuous integration and deployment processes.

What would you do differently if you were to go through the experience again?

I'm thrilled with the successful completion of my internship, which provided invaluable learning and execution experiences. Looking back, there are a few things I would do differently:

  • Utilize Additional Display Monitors Earlier: Initially, I used a laptop and one additional display. However, I realized the efficiency of using two additional displays later in the internship. If I were to go through the experience again, I would start using two displays from the beginning for faster and more streamlined work.
  • Prioritize Better Sleep: Going to bed earlier would be a priority to ensure I get sufficient, quality sleep. Recognizing that a well-rested body performs better, this adjustment would contribute to improved productivity.
  • Stay Hydrated: I would make a conscious effort to drink at least 3 liters of water during work hours. Staying hydrated keeps the body light and aids overall well-being.
  • Opt for Homemade Meals for Lunch: Instead of frequently going out for fast food, I would choose homemade meals. This not only saves time and money but also ensures healthier food options.

What advice would you offer a future student completing this internship?

My advice to future students undertaking this internship would be following:

  • Approach the internship with honesty, dedication, and effective communication.
  • Fulfill responsibilities diligently, recognizing that continuous learning is essential for personal and professional growth.
  • Utilize free time, whether on weekends or after office hours, to enhance skills beyond the workplace.
  • Prioritize a healthy lifestyle by maintaining a balanced diet and ensuring sufficient sleep.
  • Understand that the quality of your output reflects your capabilities and influences the rewards you receive in your career.
  • Embrace a proactive and committed mindset, contributing not only to success during the internship but also to overall personal and professional development.

Connecting to Career

Every opportunity we encounter is a crucial chapter in our career journey, and my internship was no exception. I express deep gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. Ajay Gupta, Director of Computer Research in the Computer Science Department for not only providing me with the chance to work as a Research Assistant at HandsonLab but also for the referral that led to this enriching internship experience. Special thanks to Prof. Ravi Mukkamala, Chair of the College of Sciences for his guidance throughout my master's journey, and to Mr. Vaibhav Dani, Senior VP of Software Development at MAP Communications for making me part of the company's internship program. This internship has been a truly wonderful experience, instrumental in shaping and propelling my career forward. From the onset, my focus was on delivering exceptional work, with the hope that it would open doors for further opportunities. I am thrilled to see this aspiration turn into reality as the company has extended additional opportunities, marking a significant milestone in my professional growth.

Full Job Offered and Accepted

I am delighted to announce that I have been presented with a compelling job offer from Map Communications, slated to commence on December 18, 2023. This remarkable opportunity is a direct outcome of the successful execution of my internship. I take great pride in confirming that I have already accepted the position as an "Application Developer." As I gear up to embark on this thrilling next phase of my career in the United States, my aspirations are reaching new heights. I am eagerly anticipating the chance to contribute my skills and enthusiasm to Map Communications, fostering both professional and personal growth.

Please find my resume here:



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